Fashion Illustrator Classes for Beginner's

Good Day Everyone!
Well Beginner's have finished their Challenging Projects & we're off to the next New Beginner's for March! Time is Flying ~ that's why you can't wait to put off until tomorrow, you have to Start "something" Today! Time is given to Everyone. And it is a matter of what you do with Your Time :) Sew, February's New Beginner's are continuing on to Level 11 & 111 Intermediate Sewing, while the Tailored Jacket Specialization Class is finishing up on their Custom Fit Jackets ;) Take a Look..

One Seam Paper bag Elastic Band Waist Skirt w/Slit & Mitred Corners

This fabric is a Lightweight Stretch Twill. The fabric was somewhat cut from using for other Projects, but it is just so beautiful how the skirt turned out, cutting away the choppy parts of the fabric to make the Pattern directly on the Fabric, (next time I will take a picture of the Fabric especially from the pieces of my excess) to show how you can make something beautiful out of scraps.

This Bag is Gorgeous!! Again made by Beginner's; Mary was running late & forgot cut pieces of her bag @ home. But she did not worry & was more than willing to "just cut out the other pattern pieces missing out of another color even if it didnt match." Well it just so happened that I had a little bit of the Poka-Dot Vinyl left, just enough for the pieces she needed & wallah! Sew a mistake, can be a Success!

Beautiful Tiger Print Jean Lunch Tote made by Eugenia. We added some Fusible
 Interfacing on the Inside of the Jean to add some additional Stiffness to the Bag in order for it not to be so soft
Both Bags are Fully-Lined made by New Beginner's :)

The Tailored Jacket Specialization Students are broadening their horizons with the making of this Jacket. It is Advanced & takes some time to make a Nice Garment. And Nicole who is a little further ahead, I can say is truly meeting this challenging, yet intriguing project. Can we say, "Wow!" It looks Beautiful!! Nicole purchased the Fabric from Africa on one of her trips to Africa!! The Fabric is a Patchwork of all different Squares Stitched Together & she wanted to make her Jacket with this Fabric. I think it looks Fabulous!!!!!! It is not done yet, but here is a glimpse...

We added a Centerback Slit to the Pattern for more Detail, we also Lengthened the Sleeve as the Pattern is a 3/4" Sleeve
along with all the other Fit Corrections for Nicole's Custom Tailored Jacket

And last, but certainly not least, Fashion Illustrator for Beginner's is Soon to Start in April!!

 This class is specially designed for Beginners to learn how to draw Flats on the computer through a software known as Illustrator, and these Flats will become 2-Dimentional Silhouettes! I am so looking foward to this class, so I can learn as well & get all my designs on the computer & colored in :)

Some of my designs are on scrap pieces of paper here & there & need to be in one place for developing a Story Board, Portfolio, or just viewing what I have for Development. I am so Excited!

Julie B, an Intimate Apparel Designer & Illustrator Instructor will be a Guest @ Soul Collection's teaching this Class.

Sew that's It, for now. Blog you later in a couple of weeks when we will be talking about Skirt Patterns & Draping :) Now I must get to writing these Final Papers for School.
